Computer Recycling Services In Columbus: Ensure Proper Disposal Of Your Confidential Data

Outsourcing the destruction of documents can save you and your company from the tedious task of managing the whole destruction process. Doing it yourself will cost you time and money. Therefore, it is advised to get it done with the help of professionals. However, we would recommend you to check certain must-have features in your outsourced company to ensure the security and professionalism of the process to the highest level, these are:

  • Necessary certification 

The professional Computer recycling services in Columbus that you are hiring for destroying your records should hold necessary certifications to carry out the process. The two main record management associations must issue certification to them. The National Association for Information Destruction (NAID) and the Professional Records and Information Service Management Association (PRISM) must certify that the company can carry out the task like Allshred Services is certified by these two associations which is an evidence of their credibility.


  • Place for shredding 

Some options allow the shredding or destruction of the device at your place or the place suggested by the company. However, getting it done at your office would be suggested because that will ensure proper destruction and you won’t be having your doubts about the process. Your hard drive shredding company should be able to bring their pieces of equipment at your office to carry out the process. Moreover, this will save you the work of transportation of the files to their place.


  • Arrangements to Witness shredding 

When you are opting for off-site destruction of your hard disk, you need some witness or compliance officer to ensure that the record is destroyed. The firm should be able to plan that can allow the officer to witness the process and ensure the destruction has been carried out. Contact your service provider to check what options they can provide you.


  • Non-white paper record provisions 

A business holds records in various formats. These records can vary from being white-paper records to CDs, DVDs, Floppies, Hard-disks, and many other non-paper formats. A simple deletion of data from your computer or breaking these items into two-pieces won’t make the data non-recoverable. To ensure that no residual file remains on the device, you need the help of a professional Hard drive shredding company. The destruction provider must have all the provisions to destroy these non-paper records easily, and that too under the regulations stated under the law.


  • Certificates of destruction to save you in case of audits 

Several agencies require a certificate which states that you are maintaining your disposal records properly. This is where you need the certificates from your destruction company, which will state that you are maintaining the proper regulatory measures for the destruction of documents. This would come in handy if you ever get audited by a regulatory agency. You will have a proof of compliance.

Hire professionals from Hard drive shredding services in Columbus to ensure proper disposal of hard drives and other electronic records. Be sure to check the above points before hiring an agency for the proper experience.


  1. Hi very nice blog I have read your post it is very informative and useful thanks for posting and sharing with us.

    Document Shredding Services


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